Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 858,481 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

quality assurance solutions

330 1436 1766

QA solutions

330 1436 1766

quality assurance information industry

320 1387 1707

QA information industry

320 1387 1707

QA tech

316 1382 1698

quality assurance tech

316 1382 1698

QA IT Consultant

100 1139 1239

quality assurance IT Consultant

100 1139 1239

quality assurance IT Services/Consulting

100 1139 1239

QA IT Services/Consulting

100 1139 1239

QA software developers

17 1031 1048

quality assurance software developers

17 1031 1048

quality assurance software

216 242 458

QA software

216 242 458

quality assurance software

216 242 458

QA software

216 242 458

quality assurance infrastructure software

138 146 284

QA systems software

138 146 284

QA infrastructure software

138 146 284

quality assurance systems software

138 146 284

quality assurance Development Applications

109 114 223

QA Development Applications

109 114 223

quality assurance Development Tools

91 98 189


91 98 189

QA Development Tools

91 98 189

quality assurance IDE

91 98 189

QA application software

79 96 175

quality assurance application software

79 96 175

quality assurance management application

66 80 146

QA management application

66 80 146

QC solutions

36 65 101

quality control solutions

36 65 101

quarterly channel

39 52 91

quality control information industry

41 45 86

QC information industry

41 45 86

QC tech

40 44 84

quality control tech

40 44 84

QC software

35 38 73

quality control software

35 38 73

QC application software

29 33 62

quality control application software

29 33 62

quick service restaurant information industry

30 29 59

quick service restaurant tech

30 29 59

QC management application

26 30 56

quality control management application

26 30 56

quarterly consumer media

26 26 52

quarterly consumer publisher

26 26 52

quarterly consumer information industry

26 26 52

quarterly consumer publication

26 26 52

quarterly consumer print publishing

26 26 52