Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 846,948 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

retail merchant information industry

3386 5698 9084

retailer information industry

3386 5698 9084

retail merchant tech

3168 5418 8586

retailer tech

3168 5418 8586

records management solutions

2961 5574 8535

records management information industry

2930 5212 8142

records management tech

2901 5167 8068

retail merchant software

2836 4974 7810

retailer software

2836 4974 7810

retailer customers

2789 5582 8371

retail merchant customers

2789 5582 8371

retailer application software

2665 4774 7439

retail merchant application software

2665 4774 7439

retailer management application

2524 4602 7126

retail merchant management application

2524 4602 7126

recreation solutions

2180 4250 6430

records management software

2012 3993 6005

records management software

2012 3993 6005

retailer industry

1656 5150 6806

retail store industry

1656 5150 6806

retail industry

1656 5150 6806

real estate solutions

1600 3654 5254

real-estate solutions

1600 3654 5254

Retailing solutions

1553 3148 4701

Retail solutions

1553 3148 4701

Retailing information industry

1541 2921 4462

Retail information industry

1541 2921 4462

Retail information industry

1541 2921 4462

Retailing information industry

1541 2921 4462

research industry

1468 2703 4171

real estate information industry

1441 2086 3527

real-estate information industry

1441 2086 3527

real estate information industry

1441 2086 3527

real-estate information industry

1441 2086 3527

records management application software

1365 3161 4526

real-estate business information industry

1300 1797 3097

real estate information industry

1300 1797 3097

risk management solutions

1215 2106 3321

risk assessment solutions

1215 2106 3321

regional solutions

1180 1538 2718

real-estate business tech

1172 1613 2785

real estate tech

1172 1613 2785

records management management application

1155 2881 4036

risk management information industry

1152 1542 2694

risk assessment information industry

1152 1542 2694

risk assessment information industry

1152 1542 2694

risk management information industry

1152 1542 2694

revenue cycle solutions

1132 1898 3030

risk assessment tech

1112 1477 2589

risk management tech

1112 1477 2589