Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 846,948 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

reality television web broadcast

1 0 1

reality television webcasting

1 0 1

reality television streaming

1 0 1

real-estate business asset management software

5 0 5

real estate asset management software

5 0 5

refining industry ERP

1 0 1

refining industry enterprise resource planning

1 0 1

real estate private equity firm

0 0 0

real estate equity financing

0 0 0

real estate private equity

0 0 0

real-estate equity financing

0 0 0

real estate equity investor

0 0 0

real-estate private equity

0 0 0

real-estate equity investor

0 0 0

real-estate private equity firm

0 0 0

retail merchant leverage buyout firm

0 0 0

retailer leverage buyout firm

0 0 0

rap publication

1 0 1

rap print publishing

1 0 1

real estate symposium

2 0 2

real-estate business symposium

2 0 2

records management content marketing

0 0 0

reference manual industry

0 0 0

rock music blog

1 0 1

Russian entertainment broadcasting

1 0 1

refining industry book

1 0 1

refining industry trade book

1 0 1

refining industry organizer software

1 0 1

reservation ERM

6 0 6

reservation employee relationship management

6 0 6

reservation workforce software

6 0 6

risk (investment) enterprise resource planning

2 0 2

risk (investment) ERP

2 0 2

refining industry office suite

1 0 1

religious institution staffing

0 0 0

robotics marketing

1 0 1

refining industry special-purpose acquisition company

0 0 0

refining industry SPAC

0 0 0

reading dictionary

0 0 0

reading lexicon

0 0 0

restaurant POS

2 0 2

restaurant point of sale

2 0 2

real estate venture capital firm

0 0 0

real estate VC

0 0 0

real-estate venture capital firm

0 0 0

real-estate VC

0 0 0

Russian consumer broadcasting

1 0 1

real estate broker ERP

1 0 1

real estate agent ERP

1 0 1

realtor ERP

1 0 1