Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 847,286 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

records management content marketing

0 0 0

researcher newsletter

0 0 0

road show solutions

0 0 0

real-estate business outlet

0 0 0

Russian marketing affiliate network

0 0 0

rest home market report

0 0 0

R&D venture capital firm

0 0 0

Retailing forum

0 0 0

retailer content marketing

0 0 0

real-estate business electronic mail

0 0 0

religious institution tradeshow

0 0 0

researcher newssheet

0 0 0

real-estate private equity firm

0 0 0

Russian marketing media

0 0 0

Russian marketing ad network

0 0 0

rest home market research

0 0 0


0 0 0

Russian advertising advertising agency

0 0 0

retail merchant content marketing

0 0 0

real estate email software

0 0 0

religious institution trade show

0 0 0

RFID middleware

0 0 0

real-estate equity investor

0 0 0

Russian marketing information industry

0 0 0

Russian marketing advertising network

0 0 0

r and d financial intermediary

0 0 0

risk (investment) debt collection agency

0 0 0

Russian advertising ad agency

0 0 0

Religion manufacturer

0 0 0

real-estate business e-mail software

0 0 0

religious institution exhibition

0 0 0

Radio-frequency identification middleware

0 0 0

real-estate private equity

0 0 0

R & D investment company

0 0 0

Russian business website

0 0 0

research and development financial intermediary

0 0 0

risk (investment) collection agency

0 0 0

Russian advertising website

0 0 0

Retailing event planner

0 0 0

real estate e-mail software

0 0 0

Russian advertising information industry

0 0 0

rock oil excavation

0 0 0

real estate equity investor

0 0 0

R&D investment firm

0 0 0

R&D seed accelerator

0 0 0

R&D financial intermediary

0 0 0

radiotherapist graphic software

0 0 0

real-estate VC

0 0 0

Retail event planner

0 0 0

Russian consumer ad agency

0 0 0