Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 847,286 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

SaaS social media marketing e-learning

0 1 1

social scientific, technical and medical wire service

0 0 0

SaaS freelancer advisor

0 1 1

social software engineer information industry

0 1 1

Spanish ethnic groups production studio

0 1 1

SaaS power company consulting company

0 1 1

social data recovery marketplace

0 1 1

social house agent information industry

0 1 1

SaaS electronic sports industry LMS

0 0 0

social hospitality website

0 1 1

SaaS field service personnel atlas

0 1 1

SaaS employee management SMS

0 0 0

software engineer coupons

0 1 1

social geospatial database

0 1 1

SaaS dot com web studios

0 0 0

SaaS financial adviser publisher

0 1 1

SaaS healthcare host

0 0 0

SaaS political science market research

0 1 1

SaaS homosexual software

0 0 0

social media software product developers

0 1 1

Spanish health care provider radio

0 1 1

social luxury website

0 1 1

SaaS software institution Disaster Recovery Software

0 0 0

school of law consulting firm

0 1 1

state sector pension fund

0 1 1

social real-estate business marketplace

0 1 1

SaaS refining industry Security Software

0 1 1

SaaS musician groupware

0 2 2

SaaS waste management industry LMS

0 0 0

Scandinavian business to business investment fund

0 0 0

sport instructions

0 0 0

SaaS virtualization software tools

0 1 1

social journalist informatics

0 0 0

SaaS computer game advertising agency

0 1 1

senior college

0 0 0

Slavonic business to business ad agency

0 0 0

SaaS caregiver web hosting services

0 0 0

SaaS government market research

0 2 2

SaaS communications service provider value added distributor

0 1 1

SaaS internet business financial services

0 1 1

SaaS business executive education software

0 1 1

Spanish business management ECM

0 1 1

SaaS biomedical science website

0 1 1

SaaS health care provider university

0 2 2

SaaS workplace management electronics company

0 1 1

SaaS finance risk apps

0 0 0

SaaS self-service storage industry enterprise content management

0 2 2

SaaS housing industry product lifecycle management

0 1 1

Spanish business advertising network

0 0 0

SaaS mechatronics electronic device

0 1 1