Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 847,286 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

SaaS marketing department Development Applications

0 0 0

SaaS electronic sports industry LMS

0 0 0

self-insurance insurance firm

0 0 0

SaaS health care industry webhost

0 0 0

SaaS internet company web studios

0 0 0

SaaS glbt software

0 0 0

SaaS influence marketing research

0 0 0

SaaS energy market health care institutions

0 0 0

social reputation management analytics software

0 0 0

social journalist informatics

0 0 0

SaaS healthcare industry public utility

0 0 0

SaaS healthcare provider host

0 0 0

SaaS software institution host

0 0 0

social health care institutions communication applications

0 0 0

social media catalog

0 0 0

Slavonic language business portal

0 0 0

social media exhibition

0 0 0

SaaS medical institution Hosting Services

0 0 0

SaaS non-profit informatics

0 0 0

SaaS lgbt information industry

0 0 0

SaaS business SMS

0 0 0

SaaS healthcare payer IT Services/Consulting

0 0 0

SaaS federal government portal

0 0 0

Spanish legal practice media

0 0 0

secondary school distributor

0 0 0

Slavic language advertising media

0 0 0

SaaS drug company software reports

0 0 0

SaaS medicinal cannabis industry Learning Management System

0 0 0

social music broadcasting

0 0 0

SaaS investment trust wire service

0 0 0

SaaS dot.com Data Protection Software

0 0 0

Spanish science portal

0 0 0

Spanish business periodical

0 0 0

SaaS web developer IT Services/Consulting

0 0 0

Scandinavian education college

0 0 0

social STEM news wire

0 0 0

SaaS real-estate business web hosting services

0 0 0

social non-profit financial services

0 0 0

Scandinavian liberal arts training

0 0 0

Slavic marketing ad network

0 0 0

SaaS national health service media

0 0 0

SaaS field service personnel training company

0 0 0

SaaS ERM print publishing

0 0 0

SOX infrastructure software

0 0 0

SaaS marijuana industry education industry

0 0 0

SaaS caregiver course material

0 0 0

social user-generated content press agency

0 0 0

social consumer curriculum

0 0 0

Spanish call center print publishing

0 0 0

stamp collection sales outlet

0 0 0