Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 844,369 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

technology enabled user interface IT Services/Consulting

0 0 0

telecom CRM

2 0 2

technical school webhost

0 0 0

tax law solutions

0 0 0

tech enabled AEC industry electronics company

1 0 1

tech-enabled lab healthcare institutions

0 0 0

technology enabled Spanish Americans marketing

1 0 1

tech-enabled philology university

1 0 1

tech-enabled architecture, engineering and construction industry interactive kiosk

1 0 1

tech enabled financial industry kiosk

0 0 0

tech-enabled STM IDE

0 0 0

telecommunications industry Email Archive

0 0 0

telephone service print publishing

1 0 1

technology enabled business to business api

0 0 0

teenager e-zines

1 0 1

tennis instruction manual

0 0 0

tech enabled Department of Health and Human Services tech

1 0 1

telephone service media

2 0 2

tech enabled science, technology, engineering, and mathematics api

0 0 0

tech-enabled medicaid BPO

0 0 0

tech enabled philanthropy information industry

0 0 0

tech-enabled Health and Human Services healthcare service

0 0 0

tech enabled technologist kiosk

1 0 1

tech enabled life scientist tech

1 0 1

tech-enabled technologist electronic device

1 0 1

tech-enabled forest industry management application

0 0 0

technology enabled paper industry application software

0 0 0

tape K-12 information industry

0 0 0

tech-enabled fund raising information industry

0 0 0

tech-enabled lumber industry information industry

0 0 0

tech-enabled podcast industry outsourcing

1 0 1

tech enabled life scientist enterprise content management

1 0 1

tech-enabled smb marketing

0 0 0

Turkish consumer telecasting

1 0 1

technology enabled biologist analytics software

1 0 1

travelling ERP

2 0 2

trade school IT Consultant

0 0 0

technology enabled nonprofit marketing

0 0 0

trademark marketing

0 0 0

telephony SMS

0 0 0

test preparation software tools

1 0 1

tech enabled liberal arts career college

1 0 1

technology enabled banking risk management consultant

0 0 0

telephone service consulting company

1 0 1

tape post-secondary utility

0 0 0

tech enabled investors analytics software

0 0 0

tape B2B web hosting services

0 0 0

technology enabled non-profit information industry

0 0 0

teleservices industry utility

0 0 0

tape business to business ECM

0 0 0