Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 840,441 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

telecommunications customer relationship management

2 0 2

technical school web hosting services

0 0 0

tape B2B business intelligence

0 0 0

tech-enabled investors application software

0 0 0

tech-enabled AEC industry electronics company

1 0 1

trucking industry logistics software

2 0 2

tech enabled lab health care institutions

0 0 0

technology enabled philology career college

1 0 1

tech-enabled loan risk management consultant

0 0 0

taxation ERM

1 0 1

technology enabled fund raising marketing

0 0 0

triathlon WBT

0 0 0

tech-enabled life scientist information industry

1 0 1

tech-enabled asset management (IT) public-service corporation

0 0 0

tech enabled science, technology, engineering, and mathematics IDE

0 0 0

tennis book of instructions

0 0 0

tech-enabled debt financial services

1 0 1

tech-enabled outsourcing advisor

1 0 1

tech-enabled medicaid business process outsourcing

0 0 0

technology enabled applied scientist kiosk

1 0 1

tech enabled charity information industry

0 0 0

tech-enabled Department of Health and Human Services healthcare institutions

0 0 0

tech-enabled science, technology, engineering, and mathematics application programming interface

0 0 0

tape governance, risk management, and compliance software

0 0 0

tech-enabled wood industry management application

0 0 0

transaction management electric company

0 0 0

tablet financial industry computer-aided design

0 0 0

tape merchant application software

0 0 0

tech-enabled small business marketing

0 0 0

technology enabled podcast industry BPO

1 0 1

tech-enabled wood industry information industry

0 0 0

training school public-service corporation

0 0 0

tech-enabled freelance consulting company

1 0 1

tablet youth tech

0 0 0

travelling ERP

2 0 2

training school webhost

0 0 0

tech enabled life scientist business intelligence

1 0 1

tape post-secondary IT Consultant

0 0 0

tape K-20 telecasting

0 0 0

telecommunications point of sale

1 0 1

tape specialty school IT Services/Consulting

0 0 0

tech enabled philanthropy marketing

0 0 0

technology enabled humanities career college

1 0 1

transport radio broadcasting

0 0 0

telephone service consulting firm

1 0 1

tech enabled federal government healthcare institutions

0 0 0

tech enabled Health and Human Services IT Consultant

1 0 1

technology enabled nonprofit information industry

0 0 0

technology enabled AI IDE

0 0 0

tape B2B Hosting Services

0 0 0