Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 858,706 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

tech industry

51274 190376 241650

Telecommunications terms channel

39318 76266 115584

technology solutions

22303 81035 103338

tmt industry customers

5886 11806 17692

tmt industry information industry

6109 7757 13866

tmt industry tech

5401 6773 12174

tmt industry software

4774 5949 10723

technology companies customers

3150 7362 10512

technology industry customers

3150 7362 10512

technical institutions customers

3150 7362 10512

technical institutions information industry

3414 4399 7813

technology companies information industry

3414 4399 7813

technology industry information industry

3414 4399 7813

technology companies tech

3044 3931 6975

technology industry tech

3044 3931 6975

technical institutions tech

3044 3931 6975

technical institutions software

2696 3470 6166

technology industry software

2696 3470 6166

technology companies software

2696 3470 6166

transaction management solutions

2001 3954 5955

training industry

1877 3940 5817

training company industry

1877 3940 5817

tmt industry infrastructure software

2389 3154 5543

tmt industry systems software

2389 3154 5543

tmt industry application software

2439 2855 5294

technical institutions infrastructure software

1855 2544 4399

technology companies infrastructure software

1855 2544 4399

technology companies systems software

1855 2544 4399

technical institutions systems software

1855 2544 4399

technology industry infrastructure software

1855 2544 4399

technology industry systems software

1855 2544 4399

tmt industry management application

1904 2249 4153

telecom solutions

1293 2627 3920

telephony solutions

1293 2627 3920

telecommunications solutions

1293 2627 3920

transportation company information industry

1825 2077 3902

transportation company customers

1515 2085 3600

transportation company tech

1671 1877 3548

transaction management information industry

1070 2236 3306

transaction management information industry

1070 2236 3306

travelling solutions

1289 1948 3237

traveling solutions

1289 1948 3237

tourism solutions

1289 1948 3237

travel solutions

1289 1948 3237

transportation company software

1497 1672 3169

transaction management tech

986 2128 3114

transportation company application software

1440 1606 3046

transportation solutions

1156 1875 3031

transport solutions

1156 1875 3031

trading solutions

941 2008 2949