Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 849,422 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

university industry

3325 7962 11287

utility industry

2217 4478 6695

university customers

1764 3690 5454

user generated content solutions

1465 2103 3568

user-generated content solutions

1465 2103 3568

user generated content information industry

1339 1736 3075

user generated content information industry

1339 1736 3075

user-generated content information industry

1339 1736 3075

user-generated content information industry

1339 1736 3075

university information industry

1129 1533 2662

university education industry

988 2311 3299

user-generated content tech

923 1143 2066

user generated content tech

923 1143 2066

user-generated content software

879 1078 1957

user generated content software

879 1078 1957

user generated content software

879 1078 1957

user-generated content software

879 1078 1957

user generated content application software

798 984 1782

user-generated content application software

798 984 1782

user experience information industry

753 1460 2213

user experience information industry

753 1460 2213

university educational institution

745 2005 2750

university college

745 2005 2750

university career college

745 2005 2750

user experience solutions

735 1440 2175

user experience tech

722 1423 2145

university tech

699 895 1594

user-generated content media

551 749 1300

user generated content media

551 749 1300

university software

536 695 1231

user experience software

530 1191 1721

user experience software

530 1191 1721

university application software

515 662 1177

user generated content management application

492 618 1110

user-generated content management application

492 618 1110

utility information industry

481 559 1040

utility tech

466 536 1002

user experience application software

455 1092 1547

utility customers

447 610 1057

user experience management application

435 1066 1501

utility software

414 461 875

university media

407 593 1000

utility application software

393 439 832

university management application

384 487 871

university publisher

360 520 880

user generated content website

353 496 849

user generated content website

353 496 849

user-generated content website

353 496 849

user-generated content portal

353 496 849

user-generated content website

353 496 849