Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 846,948 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

unitranche financing investment fund

0 54 54

user-generated content catalog

0 0 0

user generated content trade show

0 0 0

uranologist magazine

0 1 1

utility fund

0 6 6

university association

0 17 17

university VC

0 3 3

utility expansion capital

0 2 2

university private equity

0 5 5

utility newspaper

0 0 0

user-generated content tradeshow

0 0 0

unitranche financing nondepository financial intermediary

0 54 54

utility investment fund

0 6 6

unitranche financing financial intermediary

0 54 54

university venture capital firm

0 3 3

utility growth capital

0 2 2

university equity investor

0 5 5

utility collective investment scheme

0 6 6

user-generated content exhibition

0 0 0

unitranche financing collective investment company

0 54 54

utility investment company

0 6 6

unclaimed property collection agency

0 1 1

user generated content newspaper

0 0 0

utility growth equity

0 2 2

university private equity firm

0 5 5

utility collective investment company

0 6 6

user generated content tradeshow

0 0 0

unitranche financing collective investment scheme

0 54 54

utility investment trust

0 6 6

unclaimed property debt collection agency

0 1 1

user-generated content newspaper

0 0 0

university insurance firm

0 1 1

university equity financing

0 5 5

university depository financial institution

0 1 1

university risk management consultant

0 1 1

utility holding company

0 1 1

university api

0 2 2

urgent care centers advisor

0 1 1

uniform wholesaler

0 1 1

university insurer

0 1 1

university investment advisor

0 2 2

university banking concern

0 1 1

unified communications internet service

0 1 1

uranology software

0 0 0

university application programming interface

0 2 2

urgent care consulting firm

0 1 1

user generated content software product developers

0 1 1

university insurance company

0 1 1

university investment manager

0 2 2

university banking company

0 1 1