Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 847,286 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

university industry

3304 7943 11247

utility industry

2211 4469 6680

university customers

1754 3680 5434

user generated content solutions

1461 2099 3560

user-generated content solutions

1461 2099 3560

university education industry

983 2305 3288

user-generated content information industry

1332 1728 3060

user generated content information industry

1332 1728 3060

user-generated content information industry

1332 1728 3060

user generated content information industry

1332 1728 3060

university career college

740 1999 2739

university educational institution

740 1999 2739

university college

740 1999 2739

university information industry

1122 1527 2649

user experience information industry

749 1454 2203

user experience information industry

749 1454 2203

user experience solutions

731 1434 2165

user experience tech

718 1417 2135

user generated content tech

921 1140 2061

user-generated content tech

921 1140 2061

user-generated content software

877 1075 1952

user generated content software

877 1075 1952

user generated content software

877 1075 1952

user-generated content software

877 1075 1952

user-generated content application software

796 981 1777

user generated content application software

796 981 1777

user experience software

527 1186 1713

user experience software

527 1186 1713

university tech

694 891 1585

user experience application software

452 1087 1539

user experience management application

432 1061 1493

user-generated content media

546 744 1290

user generated content media

546 744 1290

university software

531 691 1222

university application software

512 662 1174

user generated content management application

490 615 1105

user-generated content management application

490 615 1105

utility customers

445 607 1052

utility information industry

477 555 1032

university media

405 591 996

utility tech

462 532 994

university publisher

358 518 876

university management application

381 487 868

utility software

410 457 867

user generated content website

351 494 845

user generated content website

351 494 845

user-generated content website

351 494 845

user generated content portal

351 494 845

user-generated content website

351 494 845

user-generated content portal

351 494 845