Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 847,286 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

data warehouse industry

4 14 18

datawarehousing industry

4 14 18

drugstore industry

34 99 133

dispensary industry

34 99 133

database industry

1791 2322 4113

database management system industry

95 153 248

DBMS industry

95 153 248

depository financial intermediary industry

133 593 726

Development Applications industry

1399 2351 3750

directory industry

183 318 501

document management software industry

554 748 1302

document management industry

554 748 1302

debt collection agency industry

26 194 220

demographics database industry

107 118 225

defense contractor electronic information

2 3 5

defense industry informatics

2 3 5

defense industry database

2 3 5

defense industry electronic information

2 3 5

defense contractor informatics

2 3 5

defense contractor database

2 3 5

DoD informatics

1 1 2

Defense Department informatics

1 1 2

DoD electronic information

1 1 2

Department of Defense electronic information

1 1 2

DoD database

1 1 2

Defense Department database

1 1 2

Department of Defense database

1 1 2

Defense Department electronic information

1 1 2

Department of Defense informatics

1 1 2

detective agency industry

1 2 3

Document Management Service industry

244 542 786

disabled health care institutions

59 2695 2754

disabled healthcare institutions

59 2695 2754

disabled healthcare service

59 2695 2754

data center reference

2 2 4

data center reference book

2 2 4

datacenter reference book

2 2 4

datacenter reference

2 2 4

datacenter publication

3 3 6

data center print publishing

3 3 6

datacenter print publishing

3 3 6

data center publication

3 3 6

datacenter n-directory/reference

2 2 4

data center n-directory/reference

2 2 4

doctor shopping guides

4 7 11

drug company holding company

0 3 3

Disaster Recovery Software industry

93 182 275

Data Protection Software industry

93 182 275

depository financial institution industry

188 560 748

dictionary industry

15 15 30