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Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 845163 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

AEC industry ad network

0 1 1

AEC industry advisor

0 2 2

AEC industry application software

122 155 277

AEC industry apps

1 1 2

AEC industry association

0 5 5

AEC industry book

0 1 1

AEC industry business intelligence

2 2 4

AEC industry business process management

0 1 1

AEC industry collaboration software

8 9 17

AEC industry college

6 9 15

AEC industry conference

2 2 4

AEC industry construction company

0 1 1

AEC industry database

17 21 38

AEC industry directory

1 4 5

AEC industry document management

2 2 4

AEC industry ECM

8 8 16

AEC industry education software

1 1 2

AEC industry eLearning

1 1 2

AEC industry enterprise resource planning

3 1 4

AEC industry exhibits/conf/seminars

18 23 41

AEC industry forum

0 1 1

AEC industry information industry

199 261 460

AEC industry infrastructure software

10 13 23

AEC industry internet forum

4 3 7

AEC industry IT Consultant

7 12 19

AEC industry journal

4 5 9

AEC industry Learning Management System

1 1 2

AEC industry marketing

2 3 5

AEC industry media

67 93 160

AEC industry modelling software

27 33 60

AEC industry n-directory/reference

5 7 12

AEC industry newsletter

1 3 4

AEC industry periodical

22 35 57

AEC industry print publishing

31 46 77

AEC industry product lifecycle management

0 1 1

AEC industry public-service corporation

1 1 2

AEC industry research

2 3 5

AEC industry retail

3 3 6

AEC industry search engine

1 3 4

AEC industry Search Engine/directory

1 1 2

AEC industry shopping guides

2 3 5

AEC industry software

125 159 284

AEC industry software developers

0 3 3

AEC industry Tech

148 189 337

AEC industry trade show

13 16 29

AEC industry training company

6 9 15

AEC industry web hosting services

1 1 2

AEC industry web studios

1 1 2

AEC industry workflow software

6 8 14

aeronautical engineering manufacturer

0 1 1


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