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Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 844649 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

government information industry

591 771 1362

government Tech

549 713 1262

grc information industry

513 615 1128

geographics information industry

449 624 1073

governance, risk management, and compliance Tech

480 577 1057

game information industry

390 579 969

governance, risk management, and compliance software

411 496 907

game media

359 527 886

governance, risk management, and compliance application software

364 437 801

game Tech

317 481 798

game software

316 478 794

game publisher

318 471 789

game application software

304 465 769

game computer game

292 440 732

geographics media

288 409 697

grc management application

315 372 687

government software

279 382 661

geography publisher

246 345 591

government IT Consultant

253 323 576

government application software

236 333 569

geography publication

218 308 526

geographics periodical

171 240 411

geography Tech

178 233 411

government management application

170 241 411

geographics software

148 191 339

geographics newspaper

127 181 308

geographics application software

125 170 295

government information industry

126 169 295

geographics marketplace

93 134 227

graphics technology information industry

96 130 226

graphics technology Tech

86 113 199

gambling information industry

65 120 185

governance, risk management, and compliance media

82 100 182

graphics technology software

73 98 171

grc publisher

76 94 170

government Tech

69 94 163

geospatial information industry

66 92 158

gambling media

54 99 153

geomatics Tech

64 88 152

graphics technology application software

65 87 152

government media

63 74 137

governance, risk management, and compliance enterprise content management

59 73 132

government media

57 70 127

geomatics software

53 73 126

gambling publisher

45 77 122

gambling Tech

42 78 120

gambling software

41 76 117

gambling application software

41 75 116

geographic information system application software

49 66 115

geography management application

44 70 114


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