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Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 844649 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

digital marketing information industry

626 911 1537

development information industry

511 881 1392

document management information industry

502 832 1334

development Tech

481 827 1308

document management Tech

491 797 1288

digital marketing Tech

494 687 1181

document management software

404 666 1070

digital marketing software

395 544 939

digital marketing application software

376 513 889

document management application software

318 567 885

development IT Services/Consulting

301 504 805

document management application

268 484 752

digital security information industry

325 426 751

digital security Tech

322 421 743

data management information industry

273 456 729

depository financial institution information industry

324 393 717

digital marketing management application

302 414 716

data management Tech

269 438 707

depository financial institution Tech

312 378 690

data management software

215 360 575

development software developers

226 344 570

depository financial institution software

258 309 567

digital security software

226 309 535

drug company information industry

235 298 533

depository financial institution application software

236 287 523

development software

175 331 506

digital security systems software

213 280 493

depository financial institution management application

218 263 481

discrete manufacturer information industry

207 264 471

data management application software

147 285 432

data recovery information industry

171 228 399

data recovery Tech

171 228 399

data management application

137 260 397

digital security Software

168 219 387

document management ecm

155 228 383

discrete manufacturer Tech

167 214 381

drug company Tech

163 208 371

discrete manufacturer software

149 184 333

development systems software

135 196 331

digital marketing

114 215 329

data recovery software

139 181 320

department of local government information industry

130 175 305

defense contractor information industry

132 168 300

data storage infrastructure software

133 166 299

doctor information industry

126 167 293

dot com information industry

123 162 285

drug company software

120 156 276

defense contractor Tech

121 154 275

development Applications

110 161 271

department of local government Tech

114 155 269


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