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Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 845646 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

drug company application software

117 151 268

dot com Tech

111 142 253

department of local government software

102 142 244

doctor Tech

100 137 237

digital marketing IT Services/Consulting

94 140 234

discrete manufacturer application software

97 129 226

digital marketing media

90 134 224

data management ecm

90 132 222

dot com software

95 125 220

document management IT Consultant

83 135 218

DoD information industry

97 121 218

department of local government application software

89 126 215

document management business intelligence

85 124 209

document management systems software

91 116 207

digital security IT Consultant

91 114 205

doctor software

84 120 204

doctor application software

83 119 202

data management business intelligence

81 119 200

digital marketing advertising agency

74 122 196

drug company management application

86 110 196

Department of Defense Tech

87 108 195

digital marketing Hosting Services

76 111 187

digital marketing utility

76 111 187

development application software

41 145 186

digital marketing web design

76 109 185

development IDE

74 105 179 application software

75 103 178

drug company media

82 96 178

doctor management application

73 103 176

drug company publisher

77 90 167

department of local government management application

67 98 165

data management infrastructure software

70 88 158

defense contractor IT Consultant

67 88 155

digital marketing ecm

66 85 151

docketing information industry

72 79 151

digital marketing website

59 91 150

docketing Tech

71 74 145

docketing software

70 73 143

docketing application software

67 70 137

daily consumer information industry

56 79 135

daily consumer media

56 79 135

daily consumer publisher

56 79 135

daily consumer newspaper

56 78 134

daily consumer periodical

56 78 134

daily consumer print publishing

56 78 134

data management IT Consultant

52 81 133

dot com management application

56 75 131

defense (government) information industry

55 72 127

digital marketing business intelligence

55 72 127

digital marketing affiliate network

50 76 126


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