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Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 845163 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

insurance claims management application

44 52 96

insurance claims software

51 59 110

insurance claims Tech

53 62 115

insurance classified publisher

3 5 8

insurance company ad agency

3 2 5

insurance company ad network

3 2 5

insurance company application software

151 171 322

insurance company apps

2 2 4

insurance company association

0 1 1

insurance company bpm

4 6 10

insurance company business intelligence

12 16 28

insurance company business process management

4 5 9

insurance company business process outsourcing

0 3 3

insurance company collaboration software

1 1 2

insurance company college

5 6 11

insurance company communication applications

5 6 11

insurance company consulting company

0 4 4

insurance company crm

3 1 4

insurance company Document Management Service

0 1 1

insurance company ecm

13 17 30

insurance company edi

1 3 4

insurance company eLearning

1 1 2

insurance company e-marketing

1 1 2

insurance company enterprise resource planning

4 1 5

insurance company event company

2 2 4

insurance company exchange

1 1 2

insurance company financial services

2 9 11

insurance company information industry

198 232 430

insurance company infrastructure software

7 8 15

insurance company insurance firm

1 3 4

insurance company investment bank

0 1 1

insurance company IT Consultant

8 19 27

insurance company magazine

2 2 4

insurance company management application

137 157 294

insurance company media

27 29 56

insurance company newssheet

1 1 2

insurance company nondepository financial intermediary

1 4 5

insurance company payment processor

0 2 2

insurance company print publishing

8 10 18

insurance company productivity software

1 2 3

insurance company public utility

1 1 2

insurance company publisher

22 24 46

insurance company reference book

2 3 5

insurance company search engine

1 1 2

insurance company Security Software

1 1 2

insurance company software

157 178 335

insurance company software developers

3 8 11

insurance company staffing

5 8 13

insurance company Tech

178 205 383

insurance company webhost

1 1 2


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