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Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 845163 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

mobile communications apps

62 80 142

manufacturing application software

57 84 141

messaging application software

55 84 139

mobile internet infrastructure software

57 81 138

mobile crm information industry

61 76 137

marketing agency management application

51 85 136

medical science media

63 72 135

mobile b2b Development Applications

59 76 135

mobile finance application software

51 84 135

mobile application development software developers

57 77 134

music Tech

57 76 133

medical imaging software

59 71 130

mortgage software

60 70 130

mortgage application software

60 69 129

moving picture facilities

54 75 129

mobile sales information industry

55 73 128

military information industry

55 72 127

mobile constituent relations Tech

57 70 127

marketing market report

44 81 125

mobile constituent relations software

56 69 125

mobile consumer communication applications

53 72 125

mobile lifestyle media

50 75 125

mobile technology application software

33 92 125

mobile science information industry

55 69 124

mobile Science_&_Technology software developers

56 67 123

mobile scientific, technical and medical software developers

56 67 123

mobile business to business software developers

56 66 122

mobile earth science information industry

54 68 122

mobile natural science information industry

54 68 122

mobile technology infrastructure software

53 69 122

mobile broadcast media Tech

50 71 121

mobile messaging infrastructure software

56 65 121

motion picture cinema

36 85 121

medical science Tech

55 65 120

military IT Services/Consulting

54 66 120

mobile application development infrastructure software

47 73 120

mobile constituent relations application software

54 66 120

mobile development software

44 76 120

mobile sales Tech

52 68 120

mobile technology Development Applications

47 73 120

marketing printing company

44 75 119

mobile geographics information industry

53 66 119

mobile computer science software developers

54 64 118

mobile payment processing information industry

46 71 117

mobile physical asset management information industry

54 62 116

merchant ecm

50 65 115

mobile asset management (physical) Tech

54 61 115

mobile payment processing Tech

45 70 115

mobile payment software

45 70 115

mobile telecom infrastructure software

53 62 115


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