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Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 845163 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

saas emergency services information industry

10 17 27

saas emergency services Tech

10 17 27

saas federal government information industry

10 12 22

saas federal government software

10 12 22

saas federal government Tech

10 12 22

SaaS financial plan information industry

10 14 24

SaaS financial planning application software

10 14 24

saas financial planning software

10 14 24

saas geographic information system management application

10 14 24

saas governance, risk management, and compliance CBT

10 11 21

saas governance, risk management, and compliance education software

10 11 21

saas hcm business intelligence

10 11 21


10 11 21

saas health care industry Computer Based Training

10 10 20

saas health care industry education applications

10 10 20

saas health productivity software

10 9 19

saas intellectual property application software

10 13 23

saas internet display advertising Tech

10 13 23

saas k-20 training software

10 12 22

saas legal industry ecm

10 11 21

saas loyalty marketing application software

10 12 22

saas manufacturer ecm

10 10 20

saas marketing software tools

10 16 26

saas media monitoring management application

10 13 23

saas medical specialist management application

10 12 22

saas merchant infrastructure software

10 11 21

saas process manufacturer application software

10 13 23

saas process manufacturer information industry

10 13 23

saas process manufacturer management application

10 13 23

saas process manufacturer software

10 13 23

saas process manufacturer Tech

10 13 23

SaaS promotion marketing application software

10 10 20

SaaS promotion marketing information industry

10 10 20

SaaS promotion marketing Tech

10 10 20

saas revenue cycle ecm

10 11 21

saas semantic technology information industry

10 12 22

saas semantic technology software

10 12 22

saas semantic technology Tech

10 12 22

saas technical institutions Development Tools

10 13 23

saas trade promotions software

10 10 20

saas travel agency application software

10 10 20

saas travel agency information industry

10 10 20

saas travel agency management application

10 10 20

saas travel agency software

10 10 20

saas travel agency Tech

10 10 20

SaaS wealth management Tech

10 14 24

sales exhibits/conf/seminars

10 9 19

sales guidebook

10 9 19

school district information industry

10 13 23

Science_&_Technology electronic newsletters

10 10 20


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