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Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 849844 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

social consumer print publishing

20 29 49

STM collaborative software

20 23 43

student assessment media

20 25 45

student assessment publisher

20 23 43

survey management application

20 27 47

survey marketing

20 38 58

survey publisher

20 38 58

survey research

20 38 58

saas analytics information industry

21 29 50

saas analytics software

21 29 50

saas analytics Tech

21 29 50

saas assessment application software

21 26 47

saas authentication Security Software

21 28 49

saas communications industry application software

21 29 50

saas communications industry management application

21 27 48

saas communications productivity software

21 30 51

saas constituent relations communication applications

21 29 50

saas data management business intelligence

21 29 50

SaaS data management ECM

21 29 50

saas department of local government software

21 35 56

saas digital communications technology information industry

21 29 50

saas digital communications technology software

21 29 50

saas digital communications technology Tech

21 29 50

saas drug development software

21 23 44

saas earth science information industry

21 34 55

saas earth science software

21 34 55

saas earth science Tech

21 34 55

saas finance business intelligence

21 23 44

saas financial industry workflow software

21 27 48

saas fraud management information industry

21 23 44

saas fraud management software

21 23 44

saas fraud management Tech

21 23 44

saas health care provider workflow software

21 23 44

saas health communication applications

21 23 44

saas information technology department application software

21 31 52

saas information technology department management application

21 31 52

saas k-12 management application

21 31 52

saas natural science application software

21 36 57

SaaS STM workflow software

21 24 45

saas web design Development Applications

21 31 52

Science_&_Technology broadcasting

21 32 53

Science_&_Technology course material

21 21 42

Science_&_Technology email software

21 29 50

scientific, technical and medical electronic mail

21 29 50

secondary school publisher

21 22 43

security manufacturer

21 68 89

social business management application software

21 29 50

social lifestyle information industry

21 42 63

Spanish consumer publisher

21 21 42

sport application software

21 44 65


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