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Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 845163 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

scientific, technical and medical auction house

7 9 16

scientific, technical and medical blog

25 34 59

scientific, technical and medical book

26 35 61

scientific, technical and medical book of maps

7 10 17

scientific, technical and medical broadcasting

28 43 71

scientific, technical and medical business performance management

36 38 74

scientific, technical and medical cable television service

0 2 2

scientific, technical and medical career college

127 201 328

scientific, technical and medical catalog

5 10 15

scientific, technical and medical CBT

25 27 52

scientific, technical and medical classified publisher

24 29 53

scientific, technical and medical clinic

2 5 7

scientific, technical and medical clinical laboratory

26 56 82

scientific, technical and medical CMS

7 9 16

scientific, technical and medical collective investment scheme

0 27 27

scientific, technical and medical communication applications

291 403 694

scientific, technical and medical communication utilities

28 182 210

scientific, technical and medical computer appliance

22 47 69

scientific, technical and medical computer chip

1 3 4

scientific, technical and medical computer manufacturer

26 67 93

scientific, technical and medical content marketing

3 5 8

scientific, technical and medical convention

1 2 3

scientific, technical and medical course material

38 39 77

scientific, technical and medical crawler

2 2 4

scientific, technical and medical CRM

13 6 19

scientific, technical and medical custom publishing

6 9 15

scientific, technical and medical database

149 200 349

scientific, technical and medical DBMS

2 6 8

scientific, technical and medical demographics database

4 5 9

scientific, technical and medical Development Tools

138 192 330

scientific, technical and medical digital signage

10 12 22

scientific, technical and medical directory

11 19 30

scientific, technical and medical dispensary

5 12 17

scientific, technical and medical document management

20 31 51

scientific, technical and medical Document Management Service

10 15 25

scientific, technical and medical ECM

258 324 582

scientific, technical and medical education applications

32 38 70

scientific, technical and medical ELC

22 26 48

scientific, technical and medical eLearning

77 107 184

scientific, technical and medical electronic device

49 195 244

scientific, technical and medical electronic magazines

10 10 20

scientific, technical and medical electronic mail

21 29 50

scientific, technical and medical Email Archive

14 14 28

scientific, technical and medical e-marketing

4 6 10

scientific, technical and medical ERP

57 13 70

scientific, technical and medical event planner

3 6 9

scientific, technical and medical exhibition

25 29 54

scientific, technical and medical exhibits/conf/seminars

83 98 181

scientific, technical and medical farming

0 2 2

scientific, technical and medical Fax Software

4 4 8


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