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Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 845163 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

small business media

16 26 42

small business mercantile establishment

2 5 7

small business merchant bank

0 1 1

small business nondepository financial intermediary

1 27 28

small business operating system

1 1 2

small business payment processor

6 9 15

small business PEO

1 2 3

small business periodical

2 3 5

small business phone service

0 1 1

small business print publishing

8 10 18

small business printing business

2 5 7

small business productivity software

3 4 7

small business publisher

10 15 25

small business reporting tools

1 1 2

small business Security Software

6 9 15

small business shopping guides

4 3 7

small business software

141 182 323

small business software tools

12 14 26

small business Tech

199 278 477

small business training

0 1 1

small business underwriter

1 1 2

small business utility

26 42 68

small business value added distributor

1 2 3

small business vc

0 3 3

small business web design

11 14 25

small business wholesaler

0 1 1

smart grid software

2 4 6

SMB application software

105 136 241

SMB business intelligence

7 8 15

SMB collective investment company

0 18 18

SMB communication applications

11 17 28

SMB computer appliance

2 2 4

SMB email software

1 4 5

SMB information industry

223 322 545

SMB insurer

1 2 3

SMB IT Consultant

57 97 154

SMB marketing

10 30 40

SMB marketplace

8 16 24

SMB n-directory/reference

2 4 6

SMB newsletter

1 1 2

SMB payroll services

1 3 4

SMB portal

6 11 17

SMB reference book

0 1 1

SMB research

1 1 2

SMB search engine

1 2 3

SMB seed accelerator

0 1 1

SMB software developers

4 4 8

SMB workflow software

3 3 6

soccer broadcasting

1 2 3

soccer communication utilities

1 1 2


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