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Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 844369 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

saas telecom Security Software

2 2 4

SaaS theme parks application software

2 2 4

SaaS theme parks software

2 2 4

SaaS trade school application software

2 2 4

SaaS trade school Tech

2 2 4

SaaS training school software

2 2 4

SaaS transportation company infrastructure software

1 3 4

SaaS transportation company IT Services/Consulting

2 2 4

saas travel office suite

2 2 4

saas travel productivity software

2 2 4

saas traveling organizer software

2 2 4

SaaS twitter business intelligence

2 2 4

SaaS twitter enterprise content management

2 2 4

saas video media

1 3 4

SaaS videoconference management application

1 3 4

SaaS virtualization business intelligence

2 2 4

SaaS virtualization enterprise content management

2 2 4

SaaS virtualization IT Services/Consulting

0 4 4

SaaS virtualization reporting tools

2 2 4

saas voice to text business intelligence

2 2 4

SaaS WAN infrastructure software

2 2 4

SaaS WAN software

2 2 4

SaaS WAN Tech

2 2 4

SaaS web 2.0 search engine

1 3 4

saas web design productivity software

2 2 4

SaaS wide area network information industry

2 2 4

SaaS writer information industry

2 2 4

SaaS writer software

2 2 4

sail information industry

1 3 4

sail media

1 3 4

sail print publishing

1 3 4

sail publisher

1 3 4

salary business intelligence

2 2 4

salary ECM

2 2 4

salary IT Services/Consulting

2 2 4

salary research

2 2 4

sales CBT

1 3 4

sales content marketing

2 2 4

sales curriculum

1 3 4

sales education applications

1 3 4

sales e-learning content

1 3 4

sales holding company

0 4 4

sales magazine

1 3 4

Sarbanes-Oxley Act management application

2 2 4

SCADA software

2 2 4

Scandinavian b2b Tech

1 3 4

Scandinavian business information industry

1 3 4

Scandinavian business to business information industry

1 3 4

Scandinavian middle school college

2 2 4

scheduling communication applications

2 2 4


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