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Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 845693 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

specialist communication applications

2 2 4

specialist ecm

2 2 4

specialist infrastructure software

2 2 4

specialty school portal

2 2 4

speech synthesis application software

1 3 4

speech-to-text apps

2 2 4

speech-to-text business intelligence

2 2 4

spend management communication applications

2 2 4

spend management marketplace

2 2 4

sport media production

2 2 4

sport modelling software

1 3 4

sport shopping guides

1 3 4

sports industry n-directory/reference

1 3 4

sports video games application software

2 2 4

sports video games game studio

2 2 4

sports video games publisher

2 2 4

sports video games software

2 2 4

sports video games Tech

2 2 4

staffing firm magazine

2 2 4

staffing firm periodical

2 2 4

state government enterprise content management

1 3 4

state sector auction

2 2 4

state sector communication utilities

0 4 4

state sector Development Applications

1 3 4

state sector ELC

2 2 4

state sector manual

2 2 4

state sector marketplace

2 2 4

state sector outlet

2 2 4

state sector vade mecum

2 2 4

storage value-added distributor

2 2 4

stored-value card payment processor

2 2 4

stripling apps

2 2 4

student assessment electronic learning content

2 2 4

style alert application

2 2 4

style apparel company

0 4 4

style BPO

1 3 4

style conference

1 3 4

style electronics company

1 3 4

style local television station

1 3 4

style payment processor

1 3 4

style shopper marketing

1 3 4

style text message

1 3 4

subtitling and dubbing software

2 2 4

supply chain marketing

2 2 4

surgery website

2 2 4

surveillance electronic device

2 2 4

surveillance management application

2 2 4

surveillance manufacturer

2 2 4

surveillance media applications

2 2 4

survey systems software

2 2 4


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