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Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 845693 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

social network software

312 436 748

saas marketing management application

315 421 736

saas finance management application

320 413 733

saas Science_&_Technology management application

293 419 712

saas health care institutions application software

304 399 703

scientific, technical and medical software developers

275 427 702

Science_&_Technology software developers

274 422 696

scientific, technical and medical communication applications

291 403 694

saas communications application software

278 412 690

security Software

298 390 688

sales management application

292 394 686

style website

259 424 683

saas computer science application software

270 406 676

social media application software

277 393 670

style periodical

287 382 669

state sector software

279 382 661

scientific, technical and medical apps

280 377 657

saas health care industry management application

276 372 648

science publication

266 375 641

science Tech

274 367 641

saas financial industry information industry

288 352 640

saas entertainment information industry

267 372 639

saas financial industry Tech

288 351 639

saas financial industry software

288 350 638

saas entertainment Tech

265 369 634

Science_&_Technology Security Software

281 348 629

scientific, technical and medical Security Software

281 348 629

saas entertainment software

262 365 627

saas computer science infrastructure software

266 355 621

Science_&_Technology communication applications

255 360 615

Science_&_Technology software tools

262 348 610

sport information industry

260 347 607

scientific, technical and medical public utility

150 447 597

saas financial industry application software

264 331 595

Science_&_Technology public utility

148 445 593

saas b2b business intelligence

263 322 585

scientific, technical and medical ECM

258 324 582

Science_&_Technology periodical

238 341 579

supply chain management information industry

247 331 578

state sector IT Consultant

253 323 576

saas internet marketing information industry

242 332 574

saas digital marketing software

240 329 569

saas digital marketing Tech

240 329 569

state sector application software

236 333 569

saas computer network application software

226 335 561

supply chain management Tech

239 321 560

saas cyberspace application software

226 332 558

saas digital marketing application software

236 320 556

saas communications management application

227 325 552

saas computer science management application

224 324 548


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