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Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 845163 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

style retailer

137 246 383

scientific, technical and medical host

122 260 382

saas hr software

170 211 381

Science_&_Technology web hosting services

121 259 380

saas entertainment management application

157 221 378

STM business intelligence

168 208 376

software developers software

163 210 373

saas hr application software

165 207 372

saas crm management application

152 216 368

scientific, technical and medical marketplace

145 223 368

saas life science management application

152 197 349

scientific, technical and medical database

149 200 349

Science_&_Technology marketplace

138 210 348

saas computer network infrastructure software

148 199 347

saas health application software

150 196 346

style management application

146 199 345

sales media

137 206 343

saas consumer information industry

116 225 341

saas security information industry

147 192 339

saas security Tech

147 192 339

Science_&_Technology manufacturer

48 288 336

social consumer information industry

146 190 336

style marketplace

131 204 335

saas security software

145 187 332

style magazine publisher

147 185 332

saas hrm management application

144 187 331

saas merchant information industry

140 191 331

Science_&_Technology business intelligence

148 183 331

software development systems software

135 196 331

saas retail merchant software

140 190 330

saas retailer Tech

140 190 330

Science_&_Technology Development Tools

138 192 330

scientific, technical and medical Development Tools

138 192 330

saas consumer Tech

113 215 328

saas lifestyle information industry

138 190 328

scientific, technical and medical career college

127 201 328

saas lifestyle software

137 189 326

saas lifestyle Tech

137 189 326

scientific, technical and medical modelling software

141 185 326

saas sales information industry

135 190 325

saas sales software

135 190 325

saas sales Tech

135 190 325

saas consumer software

111 212 323

scientific, technical and medical newspaper

133 190 323

small business software

141 182 323

social network website

121 199 320

storage software

139 181 320

saas user generated content information industry

136 183 319

saas user generated content Tech

135 182 317

saas web 2.0 software

135 182 317


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