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Specialty segments are one of MandAsoft's most unique and popular features. The alphabetical breakdown found here provides a convenient means of accessing the terms that most closely relate to your company (sellers) or companies you may want to explore (buyers). As highlighted in the blue box located towards the top of the page, MandAsoft offers the functionality to search for over 844409 information industry terms.


Select a Specialty Industry Segment

Industry Acquisitions Companies Total

scientific, technical and medical video game

83 124 207

saas Science_&_Technology ecm

89 116 205

saas business management infrastructure software

93 111 204

saas investing information industry

81 122 203

Science_&_Technology game studio

81 122 203

saas b2b e-learning

90 112 202

saas investing software

81 121 202

saas investing Tech

81 121 202

SaaS scientific, technical and medical business intelligence

89 113 202

saas media company application software

83 118 201

saas business to business Security Software

88 112 200

saas bank application software

93 106 199

saas capital markets management application

82 117 199

scientific, technical and medical market report

86 112 198

software developers Development Applications

88 110 198

saas communications communication applications

82 115 197

saas education application software

85 112 197

small business management application

88 109 197

STM consulting firm

54 142 196

saas investing application software

78 117 195

scientific, technical and medical ad agency

71 123 194

saas customer service application software

82 111 193

saas revenue cycle information industry

83 109 192

saas revenue cycle software

83 109 192

saas revenue cycle Tech

83 109 192

saas technical institutions infrastructure software

82 108 190

Science_&_Technology database

80 109 189

saas business management business intelligence

88 99 187

saas small business Tech

82 105 187

saas SMB information industry

82 105 187

saas social marketing information industry

82 105 187

saas social marketing software

82 105 187

saas social marketing Tech

82 105 187

Science_&_Technology retail

60 127 187

sex information industry

85 102 187

saas k-20 software

80 106 186

saas social marketing application software

82 104 186

software development application software

41 145 186

style shopping guides

74 112 186

style software tools

77 109 186

saas b2b productivity software

78 107 185

scientific, technical and medical eLearning

77 107 184

saas banking company management application

86 96 182

saas revenue cycle application software

78 104 182

saas small business software

80 102 182

scientific, technical and medical exhibits/conf/seminars

83 98 181

software development IDE

74 105 179

saas revenue cycle management application

76 102 178

sex media

81 97 178

saas asset management (physical) information industry

80 97 177


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